

Cargo Online

Along with the best technologies, Online Applications has developed specialized solutions for the logistics segment. By integrating different sectors of your company, you can ensure higher performance with solutions designed to work with organization’s data in an assertive way and generating results. Get to know Online Applications and choose the best option for your cargo transportation!

See how Cargo Online works

A complete platform for cargo management!


Um sistema completo para monitorar e gerenciar todas as informações do seu processo logístico. Unifique seus dados, melhore a comunicação e otimize sua performance com integrações inteligentes.


Tenha uma solução prática para o seu negócio. Com o TMS da Online Applications você monitora seus processos, automatiza a emissão de documentos fiscais e ainda tem o controle da frota em suas mãos.

First e Last Mile

Controle suas operações de First e Last Mile com o smartphone. Integrado ao EDI e TMS, as informações de transporte são transferidas em tempo real e com segurança. Tenha praticidade e conectividade.


Request a quote!

Contact us and clear any doubts. We count on a team of experts
to explain our solution features and benefits. It will be a pleasure to serve you.

Cargo Online Benefits

Easy integration

With Cargo Online, your company can be easily and securely integrated with the systems of customers, serviceproviders, Treasury Departments, Federal Revenue Service and other government agencies.

Contracting optimization

With all freight management on the same platform, freight contracting, ordering andapproval processes are automated and completed in less time, generatingvalue for the business.


Technology brings improvements to company organization and increases operatingcapacity. The decrease in manual labor also generates low-cost operations, whichincreases profitability.


The secret to retaining loyal customers is to offer autonomy, visibility and transparency ininformation, technology, and high-quality service – everything Cargo Online can generate for yourcompany.


Azul Linhas Aéreas

With Cargo Online, Azul unified all activities of the cargo transport process – CT-e issuing, labeling, beeping, cargo tracking, etc., in a single platform.

CT-es issued monthly:


Real-time quotes:


Monthly tracking
greater than:


software factory header

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

EDI is primarily responsible for the exchange of information between organizations. It acts at the beginning of the logistical process, taking orders and organizing product demands.
Using this technology, necessary data is transferred to start cargo transport process. It monitors characteristics of products, quantities, operation agents, routes, and destinations.

It unifies, verifies and imports data more securely and agilely;


With integrations via email, FTP and API, it streamlines CT-e and DACTE issuance;


It decreases errors resulting from manual operations;


It monitors the transaction and generates accurate results.

Transport Management System (TMS)

TMS oversees the transport process management. Embedded with EDI, it receives all information, unifies, and monitors all company processes. With a focus on management, it performs tax calculations, monitors tax and accounting demands, and issues documents in accordance with the company’s financial department.
In addition, it supports products collection processes, cargo control, conferences, and other stages present in cargo transportation.

Supports the company’s fiscal and financial management;


It simultaneously monitors orders, factory floor, transportation and after-sales service;


It automatically generates fiscal documents for each transaction;


It cuts costs and improves supply chain performance.

First e Last Mile

In order to complement cargo transportation, Online Applications developed an application to manage and monitor the entire process. Through this application, the driver receives the routes and all the information related to the products in transit.
Besides, it records deliveries, beeps products, and sends informations in real-time to the TMS and EDI embedded in the operation. This ensures more agility and safety in the processes of product collection and delivery

Facilitates Proof of Delivery (POD);


Monitors the whole transaction in real time;


Automatically sends and receives delivery information;


Greater security and agility along routes.

Complete dashboards

With the integration of the three solutions, you can track complete metrics, which are updated in real-time from your computer. All informations on purchase, orders, production, and transportation are made available in a systematic and intelligent way for quick consultations and analysis, assisting in decision-making.

Change the performance of your deliveries.
Discover Cargo Online!